Homeschooling Support

Choosing to homeschool can be a wonderful, empowering way to take ownership of your child’s education, and can also be incredibly overwhelming. Many people are now choosing to homeschool due to the education crisis resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic.

If you are in this situation, the world of homeschooling curricula and programs can be paralyzing. Just changing your mindset to realize that you can work with your child to design their schooling for the year, rather than constantly working against them and their school is a wildly new idea for many people, and a radical paradigm shift. That said, designing a whole year’s worth of homeschooling curriculum can be daunting.

Overwhelmed? I can help!

I have been working with the homeschooling community in and around Charlottesville, VA for the last eight years. I offer full-year classes for 7-8th graders in all of the major academic subjects. Now that my daughter has gotten to be school-aged, I now also offer a small kindergarten pod. This will continue as a Waldorf-inspired 1st/2nd-grade program next year. These classes are currently held in person at my home in Charlottesville.

For more information on small group classes, click here:

I also offer curriculum consultations to parents to help them design their homeschool curricula, sort through pre-written curriculum programs, and help them organize an age-appropriate pace and schedule for their children. I also have met with parents monthly or quarterly to help field problems as they arise, and to help keep them and their families on track.

If this would be helpful to you, click here:

I have found myself uniquely positioned to help families who are new (and not so new!) to homeschooling. I want to help the homeschooling community as much as possible during this incredibly difficult time.

If you have any other questions, please let me know. I would be happy to talk with you.