Cherry Blossom First and Second Grade Pod

During the 2023-24 school year, I will be running a homeschool pod coop class based out of my home for first and second graders. We will be taking inspiration from a wide variety of teaching styles, curricula, and best practices. I have discovered that my daughter is a social learner, and I am hoping to continue to build a small cohort to both give her a group to learn with and to share my teaching experience with a small community of other families.

The pod will run on Tuesday and Thursday mornings from 9-12, with an option to stay for lunch from 12-12:30. To enable more comprehensive curriculum planning, the intention is for students to attend both Tuesday and Thursday mornings for the full academic year.

We will have both a daily and weekly rhythm to cultivate predictability and structure, while still having ample time for the children to do the open-ended play that is so necessary for this age group. We had a wonderful year for Kindergarten, and I look forward to continuing into the future.

I am aiming to have four or five children in our group, including my daughter. We will work on social skills, academic skills, fine and gross motor, and life skills. My mother, Nancy Rosen, who is a retired speech therapist and teacher, will be coming in to assist with the reading and phonics work. I use a mixture of Walford-inspired activities, published curricula, and integrated project-based learning.

I have learned from experience that I would like to have another adult available as an assistant each day. Even with only four or five little ones, it is very helpful to have someone to help with setup, potty, and all of the other little moments that small children need help with. I hope to have each of the other three families come in once per week to serve as an assistant to the class, as a “coop” style program. If you, your spouse, or local grandparents have any special skills (speaking a language, music, etc), I would love to feature that skillset in our program. Coming in to assist will give the parents a hands-on experience of the class, and also reduce the cost for families.

Our program is currently full for the 2023-24 school year.

However, I will have one drop-in spot available each day that we have class. Please be sure you’ve spoken with me and filled out the registration form below before registering for drop-in classes. If the children who attend full-time are not able to come for a certain day due to travel or something similar, I will open up their spot to additional drop-in students. A one-time $25 materials fee will apply if you would like to be a drop-in student to cover your child’s Main Lesson books and other individual materials for the year.

Cherry Blossom First and Second Grade Curriculum Description

2023-24 Academic Calendar

If you would like to drop in next year, please fill out the form below to register, and use the calendar below to schedule your drop-in sessions.

Drop-in Scheduling

Registration Form